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ISO 9001:2015 registered

Anamet Canada is ISO 9001:2015 registered effective immediately! The certificate covers production, management and client services for Anamet Canada’s manufacturing facility in Frankford, ON. Achieving this certification reflects Anamet Canada’s commitment to producing reliable conduit and putting the customer first.

#ISO #Certification #CustomerService #Canada #Conduit

canadian, electrical, factory, frankford, new, plant, sealtite, wiring

ANAMET Canada Inc.
36 Wolfe St., P.O. Box 240
Frankford, Ontario, Canada
K0K 2C0

    • Tel:  +1 (613) 398-1313

  • Fax: +1 (613) 398-6262

  • E-mail:

Informations sur l’entreprise


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