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Zone classification – dust zones

Explosion endangered areas are divided into zones defined by the frequency of the occurrence and the duration of the presence of an explosive dust/air mixture; the following definitions only apply to the device group II.

Zone 20: area in which a dangerous explosive atmosphere generated by clouds of dust in the air exists permanently, for longer periods of time or frequently. The presence of personnel and the performance of work are not possible in zone 20.

Zone 21: area occasionally susceptible to the formation of a dangerous explosive atmosphere in the form of a cloud of combustible dust in the air during normal operation.

Zone 22: area in which, during normal operation, an explosive atmosphere in the form of a cloud of combustible dust in the air normally does not occur or only for a short period of time.

ANAMET Canada Inc.
36 Wolfe St., P.O. Box 240
Frankford, Ontario, Canada
K0K 2C0

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